The Planetary Diaries
Most important house in Astrology: Mystery Solved
April 4, 2023

All houses in astrology have their importance. The Kendra 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th are the pillars of the horoscope. If Kendra are weak and afflicted, every single result starts suffering in the horoscope. The longevity suffers, the health suffers! The potential of a horoscope to achieve the best results suffer as without your body (1st), your mind/mother/home (4th), your life partner (7th), and your career/actions (10th), there will not be much strength and support to the person to achieve any significant results.
Are Kendra/Squares the most important houses?
The Kendra support each other as well. In that sense, your home and mental peace support your career and vice-versa! Similarly, you support your career and your career supports you! Among all Kendra, the 10th, our actions is the strongest among all Kendra. It is not without a reason that the saying hard work pays off has been going around for so long!
Are Trikonas/Trines the most important house?
The trines, the 1st, 5th, and the 9th are the indicators of growth and prosperity in one’s life. If the trines are strong and benefic, one will see abundant growth in their life. So, it is extremely important to have decent trines to go from a 10 to a 100 in terms of respect, status, and overall growth. Among the trines, the 9th which is our luck is the strongest of all trines. Without luck on our side, it does become difficult to achieve whatever is promised by other houses in the horoscope. D9, the divisional chart that represents the 9th house, shows how much our luck will favor us in this lifetime. It does not show our karma for our entire lifecycle, the sanchit karma! D9 just shows the luck and karma we have brought with us in this lifetime.
Is ascendant the most important house?
Now, the ascendant, which is the Kendra and the trine at the same time is arguably the most important house. This is true to a very large extent! Whichever planets are placed in the ascendant will play a very important role in the life of the person, that is a given! What will also happen is that these planets now are placed in a Kendra as well as a trine. Their own results significantly improve. The significations of these planets thrive and flourish in the life of the person.
Additionally, now all these planets will mutually support as well as promote the growth of each other’s significations and all of this will support and bring prosperity to the ascendant, which is you.
However, it will not happen without its set of challenges! If planets start concentrating in the 1st house, the person will become extremely arrogant and proud and will suffer losses in their life. So, while theoretically, such a placement of planets in ascendant is welcome, the practical results that a person with such a combination gets are not very desirable.
The most important House: Conclusion
Ultimately, it boils down to having a decent ascendant, not too strong to cause arrogance and pride, and not too weak to make the person underconfident and insecure! A decent moon is the second most important placement in my opinion! Granted mind is very important, but we also want to see tangible results as well! A well-posited moon will make the person emotionally intelligent and yet not too uncaring about the world around them.
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Most important house in Astrology: Mystery Solved
April 4, 2023

Guest Post by Prasenjit Sarcar
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Prasenjit Sarcar is a Jyotish expert, a gemologist, a business coach, an entrepreneur, and a husband. In his free time, he writes scripts for the theatre and teaches guitar to his ten-year-old nephew Neel. His posts on astrology have something for everyone: they are full of wisdom nuggets that appeal to advanced astrologers, and break down dense theoretical concepts for beginners in astrology. He might offer a course on astrology if enough number of students ask for it! Hence, I had been asking him to write a guest blog post for my website for a few days now and here it comes:
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