The Planetary Diaries


Rahu Mahadasha: The dreaded 18 years- Prasenjit Sarcar

Guest Post by Prasenjit Sarcar

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Prasenjit Sarcar is a Jyotish expert, a gemologist, a business coach, an entrepreneur, and a husband. In his free time, he writes scripts for the theatre and teaches guitar to his ten-year-old nephew Neel. His posts on astrology have something for everyone: they are full of wisdom nuggets that appeal to advanced astrologers, and break down dense theoretical concepts for beginners in astrology. He might offer a course on astrology if enough number of students ask for it! Hence, I had been asking him to write a guest blog post for my website for a few days now and here it comes:

First, let’s break some myths. Emphatically a Rahu Mahadasha does not necessarily give bad results. In fact, it does give Meteoric Growth equally well. However, practically most people tend to have quite a messy time during a Rahu Dasha.

There are two key reasons for this:

  1. The primary culprit is the incessant fear-mongering and negative messaging in the popular media about Rahu, mostly from the astrologers’ clan.
  2. The second impetus is provided by people themselves who are not willing to reason or put in the required efforts, and keep looking for either shortcuts (the whole arsenal of remedies) or play the blame game (“My horoscope is bad, what can I do?”).

As a consequence, even before a Rahu Dasha actually begins, people are scared beyond wits in anticipation of something more dangerous than Lord Voldemort himself (for those who get the reference)!

The results of Rahu are derived from a few important factors including the strength of Moon/Mercury, Sign/Nakshatra Lord, and its own Placement including the aspects it receives from other planets. If most of these are favorably placed in the horoscope, both Rahu and its Dasha cannot give bad results.

So what happens during a Rahu Mahadasha?

The prevalent misconception about Rahu Mahadasha is that it makes people addicted to drugs and alcohol, gives health issues, makes one a cheat and gambler, establish connections in foreign lands, leave the family and land up in either jail or the Himalayas, and essentially become a first-class loser.

However, none of them are necessarily true. Remember, Rahu does not have a physical existence and is always dependent on others to act on its behalf. So coming to the real results:

· First Rahu is smokey, implying that it reduces visibility only to the immediate surroundings. This is perhaps the single most important factor why Rahu gives negative results to most people. It clouds judgment and the ability to discern right from wrong. With poor decision-making comes faulty actions which in turn get manifested in undesirable outcomes.

· At the same time, if supporting factors are favorable, this reduced visibility in the material world can take people towards higher consciousness in the spiritual world. A person becomes calm and composed with full control over their faculties and senses. In turn, this allows for intuition or the ability to arrive at conclusions even without the entire facts at disposal.

· Second, Rahu is an outcast who lives in dirty places with a nauseous smell in the environment. So if Rahu is under malefic influences, cleanliness and hygiene go for a toss. Males tend to keep rugged beards, females seldom do their hair and even brushing teeth twice daily becomes a chore. The bedrooms pile up with unwashed clothes and a hippie lifestyle becomes the norm. There is also a marked preference for stale food.

· At the other end, the same behavior gets displayed differently with a Rahu receiving benefic influences. In fact, people become obsessed with personal hygiene to the extent that they start brushing their teeth after having tea with biscuits. There is a tendency to put on one’s best appearance (often accompanied by strong perfumes) as if one is modeling for the cover of the Time magazine. Several also turn vegan for life.

· Third, people suddenly become ritualistic and superstitious in a Rahu Mahadasha, especially with an afflicted Moon. The moment fear and anxiety take hold, obsession with black magic and evil eye comes to the forefront. I have actually seen people going back a good kilometer and a half to bow before a deity/temple once they realize they have missed their salutations while passing it sometime earlier.

· With a strong Rahu, people actually move away from religion and towards spirituality during its Dasha. Tantra, Yogic Kriyas, Meditation, etc, which guides one towards liberation (not bondage) takes precedence. However, being the headless serpent that Rahu is, the boundaryless passion to learn the occult sciences becomes the driving force.

· Finally, since Rahu represents everything that is different from conventions, people start behaving absurdly during its period. All the desperation, rebellion, illusion, despair, addiction, etc. that are typically associated with Rahu Dasha actually comes from the fact that Rahu is outside society’s norms and laws. The behaviors mentioned above are not those one would expect in a regular person (unless Rahu dominates the horoscope as well).

· Conversely, this strangeness also gets expressed differently when people get married during a Rahu Dasha (both MD & AD). Understand that, unlike today’s society, in earlier times one hardly knew their life partners prior to their marriage. It was indeed strange to have a person thrust into your life for the rest of it. Also, marriage is the highest form of materialism that happens to be Rahu’s nickname. Same for unexpected wealth gains, traveling abroad, and so on. Everything alien.

Also, note that Rahu-Rahu (the first 2 years 8 months) and Rahu-Moon (the second last 1.5 years) is usually a trying time for the best of us. It is actually the second Antardasha of Jupiter in a Rahu Mahadasha that actually sets the tone for how the Dasha results will reveal.

Can anything be done to mitigate the bad effects?

The really cool part about Rahu is that this architect operates primarily at a cerebral level and manipulates other planets to give its own results. So it is quite possible to beat this master at its own game and alter any ill effects through remedies concerning other planets.

However, as I mentioned at the very beginning of this answer, people are not willing to put in efforts and keep looking for cheat codes. But I guarantee that if you try to adopt even 50% of the following remedies, your life will improve by more than 85%. Figure out the ROI/ROE for yourself. Anyway, here we go:

  1.  Foremost, STOP PRAYING. I know this sounds strange from a Vedic Astrologer, but it happens to be one of the most effective remedies, particularly for those with a weak and/or afflicted Moon. Most people pray in a Rahu Mahadasha out of fear and anxiety to come out of problems. The parody is, more you pray and beg and ask for relief, the more will Rahu’s negative energies make you succumb to it.
    If religious rituals are a part of your daily routine and/or belief system, alter the regimen by becoming more physically active in the process. Sweep/wipe the area, light a lamp, sing a hymn, and so on. If you recite a Mantra or Stotra, as a rule, do it aloud so that you hear your own voice clearly and feel the vibrations through your body.
  2. Second, INSTILL DISCIPLINE. Create a daily plan of action and stick to it as far as possible. Be mindful of every word you speak and think before you act every single time. Rahu literally blesses people who have a well-defined methodology and approach to every scenario. This is why both spiritual leaders and successful businessmen always have a fixed routine in their lives.
    To add to the above, be physically active and on the move. This is to counter the Saturnine tendencies of Rahu. Even if you have to work from your home office during these changed times, take a break every few hours and jog around the society. Also, an extension of the above is personal hygiene and cleanliness.

  3. Third, BE INDEPENDENT. In its imitable style, Rahu makes one lose the sense of reality and cling to an external entity for support. It could be God, girlfriend/boyfriend, talismans like Gems/Yantra/Kavach, Astrologers and Gurus, Web Series/Social Media, Narcotics/Alcohol, and so on. This very dependency on a third party is Rahu’s masterstroke because one feels lost without this lifebuoy.
    In reality, none of them actually offers any tangible help apart from sucking one into this vicious black hole. The trick is to forcibly stay away from all of them. So forget all support structure the life and get moving. Also because Rahu stands for deceit and trickery, make your life an open book to the entire world (within limits). If you have nothing to hide, nothing can harm you.
    Broadly, these are the top three ways to maximize the positive results from a Rahu Mahadasha. Everything else can be clubbed back to any of these three. Of course, every case needs to be treated individually, but in general, this would work for majority of the situations you would encounter.
    As I said before, try it out and see the results for yourself. Remember, Rahu is literally Maya and once these 18 years are finally over, you WILL have a big laugh realizing that it was just a game of smokes and mirrors. Trust me and take a leap of faith — it will yield dividends!


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Rahu Mahadasha: The dreaded 18 years- Prasenjit Sarcar

Guest Post by Prasenjit Sarcar

Connect with him on Quora-

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To get a professional consultation from him, email him at

Prasenjit Sarcar is a Jyotish expert, a gemologist, a business coach, an entrepreneur, and a husband. In his free time, he writes scripts for the theatre and teaches guitar to his ten-year-old nephew Neel. His posts on astrology have something for everyone: they are full of wisdom nuggets that appeal to advanced astrologers, and break down dense theoretical concepts for beginners in astrology. He might offer a course on astrology if enough number of students ask for it! Hence, I had been asking him to write a guest blog post for my website for a few days now and here it comes:

First, let’s break some myths. Emphatically a Rahu Mahadasha does not necessarily give bad results. In fact, it does give Meteoric Growth equally well. However, practically most people tend to have quite a messy time during a Rahu Dasha.

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